by Larry Barker
775 unless noted
W wants
GA Giveaway
Dan 217-8227 Welding cables new pair with new clamp and everything. / 5th wheel plate assembly 16K pound/ mirrors, bumper and tank for Ford F350 / Man in Lemmon Valley looking for a male pup dog large breed / knows someone who wants handyman to do some stuff.
Geoff 427-2626 metal art. Duck hunter, big bird, fish, butterflies. Wants the girl who was going to by horse head to call him
Larry 427-3401 firewood in Round Mountain
Mike 225-9331 1 inch schedule 40 electric conduit / magazines for semi-auto pisol
Bob 208-739-7950 or 208-739-7213 two male Kelby order collie cross pups have had second shots
Andrea 426-8689 wool sheep has had shots /halters $3500/ cross bread sufficues/ white face ram $175
RJ 385-2509 33-foot Desert Fox toy hauler, sleeps eight
Denise 217-5379 GA two stoves one wood, one pellet. Have been sitting outside for years.
Gary 721-1496 12 foot ATV UTV Parker trailer with new tires and clear title. 7×12, will hold 3 side by sides.
Gordon 848-8359 2010 Dodge Dakota needs motor installed
Cody 427-0103 W old neon signs / W 1972 Chevy Blazer parts / W rear end for 1959-1969 Camaro.
Ray 423-4397 5×5 blanket harrell, has bar and chain. /W Queensland Heeler puppies.