Author: Larry Barker
775 area code unless noted
GA giveaway
W wants
item / next item
Katherine 481-4848 misc hand tools/ swamp cooler downdraft $100/ Windows 10 processor $50
Randy in Hazen 338-5344 1990 Toyota pickup $140,000
Dave 666-8417 GA Queen size RV mattress /GA cushions for RV dining room
Rich 867-2637 two pair of new Wranger jeans 36×32 $20 each
Rich 720-8247 W people to help pack boxes in Silver Springs paid job/ 3 John Deere tractors
Randy 722-1852 five 26570R17 tires 50% tread $250 for the set
Dan 217-8227 caravan topper for 1980 Ford shortbed/two trolling motors/boat parts/5thwheel /W workers for Saturday to move furniture
Evelyn 426-9102 W someone to do yard work.
Jeff 427-3626 Metal art big bird free standing duck hunter fisherman and so forth
Ron 575-4963 woodworking power tools/collector plates Marilyn Monroe Yul Brynner/tackle boxes and poles
Bob 980-5521 Nine solar panels 64 watts power converter 2.4 KW/ Security 8 camera system/ tile saw/ GA chairs
May 217-0871 Printer ink 288XL for Epson printer/five tobacco pipes/ 3 wooden cigar boxes
Carl 463-1321 1924 hamilton pocket watch/ W bobcat welder generator
Ed 686-9121 Ruger mark 2 M77 bolt action $850 without scope/ odd jobs, yard or car work for hire/ 2008 Ford Taurus-X
Don 737-3801 W laying hens or pullets
Gary 427-6409 W 4 drawer filing cabinet
Julie 867-3974 TV brand new good size/ huskavana riding mower $2500 all attachments/W border collie pup. /Rims for 2005 Ford Mustajg
Wayne 666-5486 Lawn mower/ truck tires/
end of list